Sunday, May 10, 2009

Suggestions for Spawning Inspiration

Hey all. I've been wondering for a while if anyone else seems to get "artist's block" or if it's just me. What types of things do you do to get yourself through it? I'm especially looking for some of you "professionals" to reply to this since I can only imagine that it's pretty important in your line of work that you stay inspired.

Thanks in advance!



  1. I'm no art professional - I consider myself more of a researcher (I am in the "science" industry) and whenever I am interested in something new to study, I just read or watch National Geographic.

  2. Start browsing the web and make an inspiration folder on your computer where you put pieces of people that you really like. I browse the gallery on often or type something random like fighting squirrels in deviantart.
    Also change location, so much inspiration comes from the living world itself, being cooped up inside does not help the mind flourish.
    You could also just start making random abstract brushstrokes or shapes and go from there, take a silhouette and make it magic. Alchemy is great for this and its a free program.

  3. Go outside. Artists are very visual in nature but having to employ your other senses makes a big difference. So, if you can't find inspiration where you are then go someplace else.
