Thursday, January 8, 2009

Professional Practices at College Camp

I will be offering a free workshop called "Professional Practices" at the College Camp. It will take place on 4 nights, all Fridays, with the first one being January 30th. The other dates are February 6th, February 13th and the last one is March 6th. Here is the blurb about it:

Professional Practices, or how to survive and make a living in the field of art.
Come sit around the toasty fire and roast things on sticks like the earliest cave painters.
I taught this as a course in Texas and I think it was one of the most important courses we taught. What will you learn? 

How to:
  • get into graduate school
  • get into galleries
  • get a job in the arts
  • get an internship
  • commercial applications
  • get your act together
  • be ready to graduate and move on to something other than "would you like fries with your order"?
  • Write a resume
  • Build a resume
  • Make contacts
  • Network
  • Grants
  • Grant writing
  • Taxes
  • Copyright
  • Targeting
  • Set up a studio
  • Oh, and of course, the all important shmoozing.
Who should attend?
Anyone who has not graduated, OR does not have an art job, OR has no clue what they are going to do after they graduate, OR what they should be doing now, OR does not plan on living with their parents for the rest of their lives, OR anyone that wants to go somewhere in the arts, Or anyone that does not want to settle for just any job. In other words, all of you.

Open to all students
What will you get out of this? Lots of useful information that I wish someone had taught me in school.
What will you not get? college credit, goodie points or extra credit. But you may find a few new friends.

What to bring? Your own edibles. We will have a fire to roast things on so bring your tofu dogs or cats and anything else you want to eat or drink (College Camp is a No-No- for alcohol).
Something to write with and on, for taking any notes.

I hope you can come, please RSVP via email to so I have some idea how many people to expect. If you don't RSVP you can still come.
If you don't know where the camp is or need transportation, let me know and we can work something out.


  1. I'm interested in attending. I have 2 questions...1)where exactly is college camp and 2)Can non-art majors come along?

  2. I plan on Going - Maybe i'll even bring along some brownies - see you all in a few days


  3. I'm pretty sure any one can attend.... but was a time actually voiced?

  4. It's open to all. We can provide directions and even arrange rides for those that need them.

  5. im coming, but what time on fridays will these workshops take place?

  6. from 6 to 9, bring something to roast on a sick over the fire

  7. indoors at the college camp??? i actually havent been up there yet...

  8. I definitely need some schmoozing lessons.
