Bottle Cap art has interested me for a while now. A few years ago my older brother hosted a huge party when he turned 21 and thus we had a lot of bottle caps left over. So I looked up what I could do with them and I discovered this picture by Molly Right. This portrait was specifically commissioned by MUSC (the Medical University of South Carolina) to celebrate the extraordinary career of Charleston’s own master blacksmith, Phillip Simmons. I have actually made my own bottle cap creation, using at least 300 bottle caps. The bulk of the bottle caps came from the "Saratoga brew pub." Going with the theme of Saratoga, known for their horse racing, I made a horse.
I really find this creation by Molly Right to be inspiring, and from personally knowing how much time and effort went into what I made, I think she deserves a round of applause and a lot of credit for making such a detailed bottle cap
This is amazing!!!! Quite a lot of bottle caps